Trusted by Healthcare
Heroes Across Europe.

At Çizgi Medikal Giyim, our core values are quality, innovation, and customer satisfaction.
We are committed to becoming the trusted choice of healthcare professionals across Europe,
delivering premium medical apparel that meets the highest standards.

Das Vertrauen von Gesundheitshelden in ganz Europa

Founded in 2005, Çizgi Medikal is a leading brand dedicated to providing high-quality and modern medical apparel for healthcare professionals. As Turkey’s largest online medical clothing retailer, our company continues to grow by prioritizing comfort and style in the production of specially designed scrubs, clogs, and caps for healthcare workers.

Embracing technological advancements, Çizgi Medikal implements innovative solutions in logistics and production processes to ensure the best service for its customers. Having successfully delivered reliable and seamless service to thousands of healthcare professionals across Turkey, we are now expanding into the European market to bring our expertise and quality to an international audience.

With our newly established sales office in Vienna, we aim to first reach healthcare professionals in Austria and then expand throughout Europe to build a strong customer network. Leveraging the power of our digital store, we will offer European healthcare workers the latest fashion trends in medical apparel—designed for durability, comfort, and style.

At Çizgi Medikal , our core values are quality, innovation, and customer satisfaction. We are committed to becoming the trusted choice of healthcare professionals across Europe, delivering premium medical apparel that meets the highest standards.

Wo Komfort und Leistung bei medizinischer Kleidung zusammentreffen.

Wir sind der Meinung, dass auch unter schwierigen Arbeitsbedingungen nicht auf Komfort und Eleganz verzichtet werden sollte. Deshalb entwerfen wir jede unserer Uniformen so, dass sie den Komfort und die Funktionalität der Person, die sie trägt, maximiert. Da die Zufriedenheit unserer Kunden für uns oberste Priorität hat, schätzen wir ihr Feedback und verbessern unsere Produkte ständig.
Entwickelt für Profis, gemacht für Exzellenz.
Innovative medizinische Mode, die Ihren Stil aufwertet.
Präzision im Design, Leidenschaft in der Pflege.
Stärkung des Gesundheitswesens, eine Uniform nach der anderen!